Friday, April 17, 2020

Pregnancy #3

I'm pregnant again! Baby number 3! Here is my experience with this pregnancy:

First Trimester

Symptoms: tired, sweating a ton while working out, moody, and a little nauseous. I never threw up but I felt sick for a few weeks. Since I wasn't very nauseous I could still do dishes and bend over without feeling like barfing so that was really nice.

I took the pregnancy test on August 17, 2019 and I left the test on the bathroom counter for Rainier to find!

My first appointment was on August 27 and the doctor used the hand held ultrasound machine to hear the heartbeat. He was looking at the screen and laughing and that definitely concerned me. I said, "What's so funny?!" And he said, "There are two sacs!" and he showed me. TWO WHITE BLOBS = TWINS. I about peed my pants. He said, "Let's do the more accurate ultrasound to be sure because it could be something else." Waiting in the ultrasound room was the longest and sweatiest 5 minutes of my life. When they did the ultrasound, they discovered it was one baby and a blood clot. What a relief! The doctor gave me two ultrasound pictures (of the same singular baby I was pregnant with) to try to convince Rainier that it was twins. I'm terrible at lying so he didn't understand my joke. Oh well! They told me my due date was April 13th, but then the next appointment it was changed to April 12th. 

 The first ultrasound at 7 weeks and 1 day.

Second Trimester

I finally started showing around 14 weeks which was strange because with both my girls I was showing much earlier. I was still really tired and my maternity pants were too big but I couldn't fit into normal pants either. At one of my appointments they informed me that my placenta is positioned in the front so I wouldn't feel the kicks as much. I started feeling them at about 23 weeks so there wasn't anything to worry about. Most of my weight was carried in my stomach instead of all over like it was with Haylie. It's funny how different each pregnancy is! 

We decided to not find out the gender of the baby since this is most likely our last baby. Rainier wanted to know the gender but he had to stay home with the girls during my appointment so it was ultimately my decision. I've always wanted to find out the gender of a baby when it was born and I finally had the courage to do it! I had a few people give me boy clothes in case it's a boy so we were set!

The last ultrasound was at 19 weeks and 6 days.

24 weeks

Third Trimester

At this point I developed dry patches on my cheeks next to my nose and overall my face was so much drier than what I'm used to. Drinking a ton of water helped but it was still insanely dry. I also developed dark freckle-like spots all over my face. They weren't super noticeable unless you looked really close. I had heartburn but it was mild.

The baby loved being on my right side! 

I needed to wear a belly band every day because I was carrying very low and it made my back sore. My stomach was drooping below the waistband on my pants and if I wasn't wearing the band it felt like my stomach was going to fall off. Every time I stood up the baby pushed down and almost made me sit back down. The kicks were painful at this point and the doctor predicts that it will be a big baby! 

During my 36 week appointment we set an induction date for April 12th and 13th just in case I didn't go into labor on my own and we would have a room scheduled at the hospital. 

At the 37 week appointment my due date was moved again to April 10th. The doctor used the hand held ultrasound machine to see where the baby's head was and it was very low and ready to come out! I could definitely feel that! 

At the next appointment (38 weeks 4 days), I was told that because of the COVID-19 one person can be with me but once that person leaves the hospital then that's it - he/she cannot come back in. So it looks like Rainier will be sleeping at the hospital! (On the way home from this appointment I got a phone call from the doctor saying that my one visitor could leave the hospital but only leave twice. This could change by the time I go into labor so we'll see!) The doctor also told me I was almost 3cm dilated and almost 90% effaced. He then canceled the induction. Now we wait!

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