Friday, May 3, 2019

Heidi 3 years old; Haylie 14-15 months old

An update on the girls! They grow and change so fast!

"Lellaphant" - elephant
-"Shimmers" - swimmers, like fish fins or Ariel's tail
-"Tastes like good!"
-"Oh-hay" - okay
-"Oppo-pus" - Octopus. One of my favorites!
-"Sleeping blew-dee" - Sleeping Beauty
-"Heidi, are you hungry?" "No, I HEIDI!"
-"Heidi, you're cute." "No, I HEIDI!" She's very protective of her name.
-"Flone" - phone. One of my favorites!
-She'll say "Love you" and I'll respond "I love you too" and then she says "I love you too" too. It's hilarious.
-"I love you boobies!" And she'll slap them. Thankfully it's only happened a few times!
-"I nay-id!" - I'm naked. She loves to disappear behind the piano, rip off her diaper, and proudly announce that she is nay-id.
-"I want a one hug." I'm not sure if she is saying that or, "I wanna one hug" but it's funny that she specifically says "one" every time. I like to say, "Well I want five hugs," and it throws her off.
-Mommy Mickey (minnie) and Daddy Mickey (Mickey) - this is funny because she used to call Minnie mee-nuh and then she started saying Minnie and it somehow turned into Mommy Mickey.
-"I fine!" She says this when she gets hurt or falls down. I'll ask if she's ok and she says, "Yeah, I fine!"

-"Mash-ah-lows!" - marshmallows
-"Lellow tup" - yellow cup. She gets particular about which colors she wants to use.
-"Foik" - fork
-"Shoon" - spoon
-"No you do it!" Sometimes she's sassy when I ask her to do something like pick up a toy.
- "Lem-a-lem" - lemon. She only said this a few times but it was adorable!
-"Do I love you? Yes, yes I do." "Do you love me?" - I don't know where this came from, but it's cute!

We have attempted potty training multiple times and it all depends on the day. She is definitely that kid that needs to decide on her own that she is going to do it. She understands how, she has taken off her diaper and peed in the toilet all on her own, but she is very stubborn about doing it full time. She has never pooped in there yet, and I know that will be a different story. Or maybe not. We'll see! When she is peeing in her diaper she will tell me. "I'm peeing long time!" Or when she already peed and I'm changing her she'll say "I peed long time."
She can count to 10 and knows a bunch of numbers after that but is iffy about the order. She knows a few letters and we work on that every day. She knows A, O, E, and a few others. She loves the book Chicka Chicka Boom Boom and an alphabet puzzle she got for Christmas so she will learn them fast! We also sing the ABCs every time her teeth are brushed. (We've been doing that for 2 years now so she can sing it!) 
She loves music and she can memorize things quickly. She can sort of pray and it's SO CUTE. We are working with her on that more (she likes to say "the end" sometimes and start with "Jesus Christ, Amen." It's cute!)
She loves singing, "I Love to See the Temple" every night. We encourage other songs, but she likes routine and so we normally stick to that. In the car if I'm singing along to one of the princess songs and Heidi doesn't like it, she says, "DON'T SING! It's MY song!"
She loves princess movies and likes to act out different scenes. One day when we were playing in the back yard I caught her screaming, "... are not a very nice old man!" (From Enchanted). She still loves her princess dresses!

She is getting old enough to help me stir things in the kitchen and she LOVES it.
She is understanding who are girls and who are boys. Recently I listed off people in our family and she told me if they were a boy or girl and she said my older sister was birthday cake. She loves making people laugh!
She loves to sit in my lap and snuggle. Every night she needs "a one hug and kiss" and it's so precious. Sometimes she will ask me to rock her! I love it!
She can open the fridge and it drives everyone crazy. She's very independent and wants to do everything herself. Her sneaky self will move one of the dining chairs so she can reach the marshmallows (or chocolate chips) in the pantry while I put Haylie down for a nap. She wasn't even sorry. She was so proud. But I am happy that she is tall enough to get her own water from the fridge now! 
She likes to work out with me (as best as she can). She is still so sad that she isn't allowed to use my weights. She usually uses her princess toys as weights or goes without. Sometimes she will pretend to be the instructor and hold her hand up as my guide. Since she's 3, I have to alter whatever I'm doing to make sure she's involved. 
She loves the number 3 since she's 3 years old. 
Sometimes when I walk in her room in the morning she says, even though she's clearly awake, "Get away from me! I sleeping!" 
Every time we walk into the garage (or another dark room) she says, "Where my eyes go?!" It's hilarious every single time!

She finally eats real food and finally sleeps all night. YAY. I did the TakingCaraBabies program for her sleeping and it has seriously been a miracle. I was going insane and couldn't function. We are all much happier! 
She only nurses before her two naps and at bedtime and when she wakes up. Except if she's teething she will want to nurse more often and pull my shirt down.
Her favorite foods are grapes, most muffins, blueberry oatmeal, anything made with banana or blueberries, cottage cheese, PEANUT BUTTER, bread, tortillas, peaches, beans, and more peanut butter. If she's sad and we can't figure out why then we give her peanut butter and all her sadness disappears. Sometimes she will slap the pantry because she knows that's where it is!
She gives the biggest smile when we say something that she likes. "Haylie, do you want some peanut butter?" BIG CHEESY SMILE and sometimes a squeal. It's so funny! If she doesn't want something, she turns away and/or continues crying. She's already super opinionated! She will even do this when I ask if she's ready for a nap. When I ask it's because I notice that she's tired and I'll say, "Haylie, are you ready for a nap?" and she gives me a big smile. It's so cute!
She loves playing peek-a-boo, patty cake, and being chased around the kitchen island. Her new favorite thing is to be on the couch. She will put her arms on the couch and whine so someone will pick her up and put her there. Then she gives us the cheesy smile and crawls/walks around and she's so happy. She isn't super graceful coming off the couch but she's getting better!
When we FaceTime my parents, Haylie will get sad and put her arms out and wants my mom to hold her. It's so sad and cute!
She gets sassy and throws herself back and/or tries to hit her head on something. 
She's ticklish on her feet, belly, and neck and it's so fun!
She can clap, wave, sort of sign the word "more," and blow kisses. She's the cutest. She will also give me nice open-mouthed kisses... sometimes with her tongue sticking out. I'll take it! 
She can say "mama" but not much else yet. She can sort of say "baby."
She has a bunch of teeth growing - including the back molars. She HATES getting her teeth brushed! It's a fight every morning and every night!
She knows how to throw diapers away and it's so nice!
She loves sitting on my lap on the floor. That's how she prefers to play with her toys... on my lap.
At my parents' house she will point to their big radio to tell us that she wants the music turned on. My mom has a CD in there of classic kids' songs. She dances to it by bouncing her knees and it's adorable!
She's already in 12-18 month clothes and her arms are the same thickness as Heidi's!
At bedtime, Heidi goes to bed first and Haylie will give her a kiss. Heidi will be lying in bed and I put Haylie on top of her and she gives her a kiss (sometimes a hug too). It melts my whole soul!
When she hugs me she squeezes me tight! Sometimes she will pat her dirty face on my shoulder and play with whatever food she left there. Gross.
She will walk around and kiss things like Sophie, my leg, Rainier's foot, her toys, it's pretty funny.
She loves "running" away from us and evil laughing. She has a low grunt/laugh and it's hilarious.
Nicknames: muffin, heffalumps, chubbalubs, squishy, boobies
Favorite toys: books, the piano, legos, rocks, a baby doll, anything Heidi plays with

Things they like to do together:
play outside
roll around and laugh
fight over legos

Heidi is slowly learning that she cannot be rough with Haylie and their play times usually end up with Haylie getting hurt. But now that Haylie is bigger than a baby she doesn't get hurt as easily, but her feelings get hurt more often now if Heidi takes a toy away from her. They are learning to take turns and they really enjoy playing together! They have the cutest bond and I'm glad they're so close! I'm excited to see how their relationship grows!