Thursday, September 6, 2018

Heidi 2 years 7 months and Haylie 6 1/2 months old

Update on the girls!

Heidi is talking a lot and tries to repeat everything! Here is a list of words that she can't say correctly yet and it's hilarious. (Hum took us forever to figure out!)

Wah-wer=cracker and water (so confusing!)
No-why=Snow White
Bee=beast (beauty and the beast)
Choas=toast and church
Apple=pineapple and apple
Haple-pahler=Harry Potter 
Luh loo=love you

Phrases that she says a lot:
"Aw, Ay-lee cute!"
"No Hophie!" (Sophie, the dog)
"Mmmm! Tasty!"
"Tiny baby piece?" when she wants my food
"Cute puppy/baby!"
Whenever she sees a bunch of words she thinks the letters are "b i b i"
She will repeat words to prayers (1-3 words at a time) and loves to pray!

Other things about Heidi right now:
- She loves to laugh and is really ticklish!
- She can recognize a few letters and all numbers.
- One time I had Haylie sitting on my lap and Heidi wanted to sit there also, so they were both on my lap and I said, "One baby, two baby!" From then on when Heidi wants both of them on my lap she says, "One two baby!" 
- She loves to run and play with my hair. She always has to announce that she ran: "Heidi run!"
- She makes Haylie laugh just by laughing and being destructive (throwing things or falling over)
- She loves reading! She will grab books on her own and sit down and read. Usually when it's quiet with a 2 year old it's bad, but sometimes it's good! 
- She is totally obsessed with princesses, dresses, Minnie, being outside, Moana, sticks and nature, animals, helping me with everything, getting her nails painted, singing and dancing 
- She has mixed feelings about getting her hair done.
- Her wardrobe right now is a princess dress or she's naked. We can get her into regular clothes if we have to leave the house but sometimes it's a struggle!
- She loves hugs and kisses from mom and dad (and her ama and papa)!
- She still likes to snuggle, hug, and kiss!
- Her favorite foods are avocado, toast with butter, rice, black beans, scrambled eggs, peaches, bananas, (all fruit pretty much) and will eat any vegetable besides green beans. 
- She takes one nap around 2pm and lasts maybe 2 hours total with trying to fall asleep. She sleeps with her 7 princess toys and likes to hold onto the Aurora and Belle while she sleeps. The rest of them are at the foot of the bed.
- Her princesses are different people in her life: Belle is mom, Aurora is Heidi, Snow White is ama (my mom), Cinderella is papa (my dad), and Ariel is just Ariel. Before she knew the names of the princesses she called them by our names but now she can say all of them.
- She loves music! Singing and dancing are her favorite. She knows which songs go with each princess and she knows more words to them than she makes you think! She also loves "I Love to See the Temple" and it's her favorite part of the day. (We sing it after our scripture study and sometimes multiple times during the day because she loves it.)
- Holy tantrums. If she's tired there's hardly anything anyone can do, we just need to distract her like crazy and possibly feed her. If she isn't tired then we can usually explain to her why she can't have/do something and then quickly distract her and that works. She does like hugs when she is frustrated so we hug a lot and it calms her down.
- She's very curious and likes to do things on her own. She doesn't like her 360 cup anymore because the adults don't use them. She also tries to eat in a regular chair instead of her booster seat and she will throw dishes in the sink when she is done. It's pretty cute until she tries to throw dishes in there that will break!
- She still likes to give Sophie a hug and kiss before she goes to bed.
- Whenever Rainier leaves for work he will kiss her on the head and she definitely reminds him every day! "Daddy kiss head!" It's so cute! And then when he leaves she says it again in a bragging way. Super cute.
- She likes playing pretend with her toys and pretends that she is a dog, cow, cat, and lion.
- She can be very sweet! One time I was frustrated with something and Rainier hugged me and said, "Aw Mommy needs some love," and Heidi hugged both our legs and said, "Luh loo, Mommy! Luh loo, Daddy!" It was so cute!
- Her favorite TV show is Little Baby Bum and sings along with every song. Her favorite movies are any Disney Princess movie (both versions of Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, etc.), The Lion King, Finding Nemo, Enchanted, and anything with animals or princesses. She has seen the first Harry Potter a few times but has decided it's too scary for her. We'll try again in a few months!
- The first Disney Princess Heidi fell in love with was Moana. She is scared of the beginning of the movie, but loves the rest. Whenever she sees anything small, roundish, with lines on it, she thinks it's the heart of Te Fiti and says "heart titi!" It's so funny! So far the heart has been any rock, gem stone, the end of a loaf of French bread (it's twisted so it has the lines), anything really.
- Some of my favorite sentences from Heidi: Sophie rolled over and she said, "Hophie nasty butt!" Another time I was feeding Haylie and she said, "Ay-lee eat mommy boobie!"
- We had to take away the bar stools at the island because Heidi keeps getting up there and feeding herself whatever fruit we have sitting out.
- Since we took those chairs away she's getting really smart and moves the dining chairs to climb up and get things from the bookcases AND the kitchen island! Now we really need to watch out!

Stuff about chunky baby Haylie:
- She loves mommy the most and Heidi second! Heidi can make her laugh the best and it's adorable.
- When someone besides mommy holds her she's ok for a minute and then cries. She's ok with Rainier sometimes but she isn't used to my parents yet!
- She is starting to notice Sophie and tries to pull out/feel her hair.
- She eats about every hour and a half or so.
- She doesn't like solid food yet.
- She LOVES Sophie's water bowl and it's hard to keep her away from it. We always end up putting it on the kitchen island.
- Her laugh sounds like wheezing until she laughs really hard and then it's like a normal baby laugh.
- She is sensitive to milk and projectile vomits when I drink milk or have ice cream. 
- She wakes up 2-4 times a night to snuggle and eat.
- She always wakes up super happy!
- She's very ticklish all over! We tickle her all day long.
- She loves to grab my face and give open mouth kisses. Sometimes with her tongue.
- She naps 3-5 times a day about 15-20 min each time (in my lap or in the bouncer).
- She has a little bit of cradle cap.
- She loves to talk and smile and give cute little grins!
- She has two teeth on the bottom and army crawls.
- She can sit up with one arm of support. It's so cute with her rolls!
- She loves to be held and her favorite thing to chew on is Styrofoam type toys or anything that makes a crinkle sound.
- She loves taking baths! She has figured out how to kick around in the water and it's so cute!
- She's much more mellow than Heidi but I'm sure Heidi will change that!

Heidi's favorite princess dress right now! I love these girls!